Thank you to everyone who attended our seminar at the North East Regional Business Fair and to those who came to visit our stand.
The seminar was well-attended with over 50 individuals, from both service and manufacturing sectors, interested in “Improving Business Efficiency”. Angela’s presentation was well-received, with good interaction during the “Questions and Answers” session. She touched on the basic concept of “Lean” in the workplace; emphasised the importance of getting your staff on-board from the start of any improvement process; Angela then explained the definition of the Seven Visible Wastes, one of the tools we use to help identify where “waste” is occurring; and then finished with a demonstration of the “Ease and Effect” grid which helps you to plan the order improvements need to be made, once they’ve been identified.
If you’d like to have a copy of the presentation slides, just visit our website and complete the form. It’s a quick and easy process.